Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Looking Forward to Finals!!!

So the Quarter is going by REALLY fast. Finals are just around the corner which means its time to study more more and more. I just finished a few papers and well see how it goes. The first was for American Lit in which I compared the different ways Stephen Crane depicts Civil War Casualties in his novel The Red Badge of Courage and the way that Walt Whitman describes Civil War casualties in his Memoranda.

The next paper was for my Political Science course (democracy and its critics). In this paper had to evaluate different arguments for and against representative democracy in a small and large state. Mostly I drew in Thomas Paine's Rights of Man, various writings by J.S. Mill, and the Federalist Papers. I wrote these papers while experiencing a bout with food poisoning so once again well see how it goes. Oh yeah I got my mid term back from my cultural history class and for the first time I got an A on a history mid term!!!!!!

My read list for the rest of the quarter is as follows

The Iron Heel
Riders of the Purple Sage
Uncle Toms Cabin
Political Science Reader

Thats about it. Don't be afraid to post!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

History Blog

Hello!!! My name is Jack and I am a student at the University of California San Diego. Im starting this blog so any and all can receive a look into the study of United States History at the undergraduate level. Hopefully you will find it is as interesting as I do!!